PADANG INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC, EDUCATION, BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING (PICEEBA), The 2nd Padang International Conference On Education, Economics, Business And Accounting (THE 2nd PICEEBA 2018)

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Effect of Destination Image, Perceived Value, Tourism Satisfaction with Return to Visit
Anggia Ayu Lestari, Yasri Yasri, Abror Abror

Last modified: 2018-11-22


This study examines the impact of the destination image, perceived value, and satisfaction of tourists on the interest of return to visit on the attractions of Lake Kerinci. This research is a research studying marketing case in tourism in Lake Kerinci of Jambi province with total sample is 200 respondents. Analytical technique used is Structural Equation Model (SEM) to know the impact of the effect of the destination image, perceived value, and the satisfaction of the tourists to the interest of return to visit. The results of the study prove that: (1) The destination image has no significant effect on the interest of return to visit; (2) the destination image and Perceived Value has a significant and positive effect on the satisfaction of tourists; (3) Perceived Value and satisfaction of tourists have a significant and positive impact on the interest of return to visit on the attractions of Lake Kerinci.