PADANG INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC, EDUCATION, BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING (PICEEBA), The 3rd Padang International Conference On Education, Economics, Business And Accounting (THE 3rd PICEEBA 2019)

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Analysis Demand of Sipirok Weaving in Sangkumpal Bonang Market Padangsidempuan City
Mara Judan Rambey, Sri Ulfa Sentosa, Efrizal Syofyan

Last modified: 2019-06-11


This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of Spirok weaving prices, Tarutung weaving prices, Balige weaving prices, income, tastes, number of dependents and expectations both partially and jointly on the demand for Spirok Weaving at Sangkumpal Bonang Market, Padang Sidempuan City. The number of samples is 112 people. The analytical method used is Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The results of the study concluded that the price of Sipirok, Tarutung, Balige weaving, income, tastes, number of dependents, and expectations significantly affected the demand for Spirok weaving in the Sangkumpal Bonang Market, Padang Sidempuan City. However, expectations do not have a significant effect on demand for Spirok weaving. Based on the results of these studies policies that can be suggested are the City Government of Padang Sidempuan together with the government of North Sumatra Province in order to always coordinate in order to encourage the increase in demand for Weaving Sipirok on the market.